
Important Clause(s)

Readers & Users are always welcomed to use and get benefits from this website, I actually feel very good when I see people ENJOYING MY WORK.

Please note that I may not be responsible for any misbehavior of your PC, mobile phone or even your life by any methods or tutorials mentioned on this website. I'll simply try my best to give best personal reviews & ways.

Another Important Point- The Images/Videos/Media of Products/Services, shown on this website, might have some edits, like the inclusion of arrows (to illustrate) or the markings to hide Personal Data or any other edits for some reason. The edits should NOT be considered a part of the Product/Service itself.

CREDIT NOTES (for the whole website)

The other/external (other than this website) companies'/users' media & names used, belong to the respective owner(s) (They may/may-not have Trademark & Copyright). Their media & names have been used for review purpose.

Also, I'll try my best to keep the content shown in this website correct, but as you may know, Humans are to err, sometimes, there can be mistakes while writing or even with the data, so suit yourself & recheck the data given, from another source to be Right & Apt, before using it.

I just give some tips on how to QuEsT for FuN, so that you ENJOY YOUR LIFE. It is you, who has to decide Right/Wrong definition for yourself & use your wit.

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