
Filesonic stops Sharing functionality, it's just Backing up now!

So I was surfing the internet and suddenly got a news about popular File-sharing website, or should I say File-storing or Backup website.

Photo By nongpimmy,

What File sharing websites are?

File-sharing websites are the websites where you can upload files and share it in Large numbers, that is almost with everyone. What File-storing/Backup websites are?

File storing websites are a place where you can upload and store your websites, not share it with anyone.

So today and presently, became a "File-storing/Backing up Website" from "File-sharing Website."

Earlier you could download and save their files, but not now, unless the files are yours.

I don't know why has this happened?

I hope that you'd have liked my review.

Photo By Kookkai_nak /


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