
Everyone has philosophy

Hey visitors

Photo By Stuart Miles /

So today I'd like to give a brief answer/reply to the question that some people raise, "you are a philosopher & I don't like them & its just nothing." They say.

Enhance/Increase youtube buffering quality

Hello World

So today I'd like to show you a way/tutorial to increase the quality & speed of youtube buffering on pc.

Photo By Master isolated images,

Addition to writing quality of Thesis- Refer to mistakes also

Hello mates

Photo By marin /

Today I'd like to show you a small but important point that would add a great deal of improvisation of your writing  whether its a speech, thesis or anything you are writing.

Prepare for the worst & Get the best

Hello World

Photo By Danilo Rizzuti /

Now I'd love to tell you one of the strategies to act upon your strategies & how to prepare your plans in any field of work.

Self Talk, a necessary cure to happy life

Hello World

So today I'd love to share my views on a very unique post, Self-Talk.

Photo By renjith krishnan /

I'll answer your questions like, "self-talk! What is it? Is it talking to oneself only?"
No, it's not exactly what you think.

You are, what you think you are

Hello mates

Yes, that is true, you actually are what you think you are,

Photo By Grant Cochrane /

 Don't agree, I'll try to make you agree.
Already agreed, this would encourage you.

(Secret Way) Best Handbrake HD video-encoding settings, preserve video-quality & compress memory required

Hola Guys

Today I'm giving a very necessary rare post, about having best handbrake (a video editing & encoding software), which will help to compress your high quality videos retaining a superb quality & giving it only a small memory space.

Wouldn't it be nice to get your 4 GB(giga-bytes) HD video to about 1 GB, keeping  the quality, almost same (almost!), in output mp4 or mkv formats.

Inputs I think, can be any format.

Note: This is a tutorial for starters (beginners). The users mentioned, might use a lot better ways, but it always has to start with the first step! isn't it?

Media-info, a superb, light, Handy & useful software

Hey friends

"I like to use soft-wares, gives me so much pleasureeee" :P

Below Screenshot shows a view of information provided by media-info:

Today I'd like to share with you a superb software, Media-info, how good a thinking & Technology it is, made especially for the video-encoders.

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) San Andreas ultimate guide to win gang wars without cheats

Hello GTA gamers

The above Image shows CJ approaching a typical gang in GTA San Andreas.

You would know about the game, GTA San Andreas which was is one of the most successful GTA game, so today I'm going to share the Ultimate way to win GANG WARS in it.

Small Changes have Big Impacts

Hey guys

Today I'd like to discuss about the things which are very much ignored in our lives. Yes they are small which may have a big influence.

Photo By TeddyBear[Picnic] /

Remember to retain your positivity in mind,

Fill the interstices to maximize output

"Drops of water combine together to make the mammoth sea", isn't it right?

Hey friends

Photo By Grant Cochrane /

Today, as the above quote said, I'd like to share my views on a superb topic, Filling the interstices or holes which may maximize your living.

Happy songs versus (vs.) Sad songs + How to listen to Sad Songs

Hello peers

Photo By Stuart Miles /

Today I 'd love to talk about a nice topic, Happy songs vs Sad ones, what to choose, which are better, in both aspects, that are joy of listening & their impact on living.
And also you'll get to know the real deal at the end, i.e. how to eradicate the impact of sad songs.

Remain Positive, is it actually correct?

Hello World!

Photo By digitalart /

Today I'm gonna talk about remaining positive, which is a superb thing, but is it actually correct! Read more, if you want to know, some good points about it.
I am discussing two good points about this thought.

Do good & Don't think about the output

Hey Guys

Neki Kar Aur Dariya Mein Dal
In Hindi:

नेकी कर दरिया में डाल

Photo By ponsuwan /