
Enhance/Increase youtube buffering quality

Hello World

So today I'd like to show you a way/tutorial to increase the quality & speed of youtube buffering on pc.

Photo By Master isolated images,

Well Honestly, this method would simply increase the speed by a little amount & is a step to ensure that you're getting speed equal to the current internet plan you have.
If you already get good speed, then it'll not be very useful.

For those of you having a bit slow internet connection, like me this would be very useful.


So what you'll need to do is:

1. Go to a youtube video and start buffering it.
2. Then right-click on the video part of the page, & click on settings.

Here's the dialog box, you'll see:

3. Now click on the folder icon of the dialog box that appears (on the lower side of the same).

4. Now get set set the bar that comes-up to unlimited.

Here's the setting you'll need to do (screenshot):

This will allow you to use more cache & thus, more speed.

So I hope you liked the tutorial.


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