
Don't think about Negative, a way to be positive about life

Hello Friends

Today I'd like to show a very nice small method to induce positivity in your life, so as to enjoy it to the Fullest. The small thing is, "Don't think about Negative."

Photo By Kookkai_nak /

I'll explain the above thought.

I learnt about this from Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari, loved it, so decided to share it.

To begin with, I'd like you to do a small exercise:

Close your eyes, after reading this.
Now don't think about your mother, don't you create a picture of her, in your eyes, don't you think of her goodness & that she's playing with you, loving you.

Now do it, close your eyes & think about what you read just now.

Did you understand something. There is a difference between:

"Don't think negatively" & "Think positively."

The latter one is better as the former makes you actually create a negative picture in your mind, which induces negativity.

So this is it!

Although by above I don't want you to be totally positive. It is scientific proof that we think about 60,000 thoughts per day, they can't all be positive.

But if the percentage of positivity is more, then it's good, isn't it?

So I hope learnt some goodness from above.

I'd now like you to give your own comments as a reply to above & your review.


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