
Generate & Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google & Bing {Best Way}

Hey Friends

Photo By arztsamui,

I was just surfing the internet & found a very cool website, that makes webmastering level one step ahead, by making things easier.

Although this feature is easily find-able on the internet, but I still decided to add it, because I loved it so much  that i wanted to share it, no matter how many times it's been shared already.


Well it's a website that generates sitemaps for Blogger Blogs & allowing users to choose, using the number of posts they have & also submit the sitemap generated to websites like Google & Bing.

So here's the link to the superb website:

As you can see, the domain, a very good website for Blogger Blog Tricks. They've made a very nice tool, especially for the need of others.

The tool can help you generate a sitemap for blogger Blog, no matter, how many posts you have & not only that, the tools also helps you submit it to Google & Bing, today's Top Search Engines.

Isn't it wonderful?

No need for any hassle of discovering, in what places you should submit your Blog & signups.

Just follow the above tool's link & go-through the easy steps, you'll be done very quickly.
Simply Submit your blog-name, as shown by the example below:

Replace "merryquest" with your Blog's url. Give post count.

That's it!
Then simply follow the instructions given.

I hope you liked the above review.

Image By Boians Cho Joo


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