
Guide| labels addition to posts {New Blogger Blog Interface}

Hey Friends
Photo By Janaka Dharmasena,

Today I've decided a very nice post about using Labels in new Blogger Post Interface. The things are small but very important & sometimes it becomes tough to find solutions to these small issues.


As you may know that blogger has changed its interface in the later 2012. The new interface is very good looking & light making it very convenient for Bloggers.

So today I'm gonna try to explain a small part of this new interface, adding, deleting & other things, to do with Labels on posts in new Blogger Interface.


So let's commence & see how can we add, remove or change labels on Posts in new Blogger Interface:

Before First up, visit the "Posts" Section of your blog, so that we can start labeling.

1. As it is frequently said, First things first, so the image of the button, that you can see below is the button with which you can select all the posts:

Alternatively, this becomes the "Deselect all Posts" Button when All posts have already been selected, where it changes as follows:

2. The button that you can see now, is what I call, "The Labels" button. It can be used to add/remove/change Labels.

This is one of the reasons that I like the new Blogger Interface- All the Labels Actions under one single Option/Button:

3. To add a new Label, select all the posts, to which you wanna add a label. Click on "The Labels" Button, as mentioned in above point & select "New label."

Then, do as what is prompted & new label will be added to select post.

So, you can also add an old label, with this method, by first selecting the posts to which, you wanna add an already added label, Clicking on "The Labels" Button, as shown in Point 2 & clicking on that old label.

4. To view all the posts contained in a particular label, use the option, that says "All Labels", in the middle-top-Rightish portion of the Screen.

Click on that & select the Label you want.

5. To delete an earlier created label, select all the posts, that have that label & select the same label, from "The Labels" button, the one in point 2.

6. To change a label, you can first remove that label & then add the new labels, by following the points mentioned above.

7. The labels system retains selected posts, that is, if you select certain posts, then see the posts contained in a particular label, the earlier posts will still be selected.

8. You can combine the points mentioned above, to accomplish a task as early as possible.

For example, if I'd want to delete a particular label (not its post),  I will now simply see & select posts of that label manually & then use "The Labels" button (given in point 2), to remove that label. It could take a lot of time to do it.

What I'll do is, first see all the posts contained in the label to be removed by the button mentioned in point 4. Then use the Select all button (Make sure no posts were selected under All Labels Option). Then use "The Labels" button, given in point 2.

The second method may be better & may accomplish a task a lot earlier than the first.

That's it Folks!


Earlier, I gave a post regarding a method to add labels widget in Blogger Blog, using Html/JavaScript, having additional features, like support of Numbered Page navigation & limiting the number of posts per label page, etc. For details & solution, see the following link:

View Now

I hope you liked the above tutorial.
Do comment with your review or queries about it.

Photo By Boians Cho Joo Young /


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