
{New Interface} Add any Widget/Gadget to Blogger (Blogspot) Blog-HTML/Javascript

Hey Friends
Photo By nokhoog_buchachon /

Today I'd like to share with you, a simple tutorial to add any Widget/Gadget to Blogger/Blogspot Blog, using HTML/Java-script (sometimes also CSS).

This tutorial has been given in accordance to New Latest Blogger Interface (July 2013).

This is one of those features that make me adore Blogger & the freedom that Blogger users get, in this awesome Blogging platform. You would also love it.

Many users may already be familiar with this unique gadget. But still I'm mentioning this post because I love the feature.

As I said earlier, this method will give you freedom & flexibility to add any coding into your widgets, which will also allow you to use any third-party services like Linkwithin.

Also, This tutorial has been given in accordance to New Latest Blogger Interface.


So to add any HTML/JavaScript Coding as Widget in Blogger, use the following method:

1. Sign-in to your Blogger account @
2. Go-to your Blog's Dashboard, by clicking on it, on the screen that appears.
3. Visit the "Layout" Section & Click on on "Add a Gadget" on the Blogger Map of your Blog.
4. Scroll Down & find the "Html/JavaScript" Gadget. And Click on it. (We are almost done!).

See the below screenshot for further description about how to add Html/JavaScript:

5. Now in the screen that appears, type the Title & then your coding content & Finally Save it, to add it & see it on your Blog.

Therefore, with this method, you can add not only the Third-Party Widgets, but also any kind of text, picture or anything customized according to your needs, using the html codes (probably).

Simply Google for something like "Text Html codes" or "Image Html Codes", for finding them & adding them according to the color & properties you want.

That's it!
I hope you liked the above method. Blogger is just Mind-Blowing, isn't it?

Do comment with your own opinion or your questions.

Photo By Master isolated images /



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