
Spin City Season 6 Episode 15 Review + Summary

Hey mates

Today I'd like to review an awesome episode of Spin City. I actually liked the whole Series but I'm just randomly reviewing this episode first.

Photo By nongpimmy,

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It may contain a little offensive language.

Well this was a great great episode, it'll make you laugh like anything. Both Script Writing & Acting rock in this one. It has been titles, "Sex, Lies and Video Date".

Like many other Spin City Episode, this one also  consists of parallel stories of co-workers, "Charlie, Paul, Caitlin, Carter, Stuart & Mayor Randall Winston." Although Stuart was missing in this one.

What happens is that Charlie, as usual hits on a random girl & gets success, but then gets to know that its Mayor's niece, Stephanie. On the other side, Paul gets into a Blind Dating Show & Carter buys a very expensive Leather Jacket. Paul, as usual creates an awesome comedy in the Blind Dating Show.

But at night Mayor announces that he needed to go somewhere so asked someone to take care of his niece, Charlie volunteered by saying,

"I've no plans for Tonight."

Mayor replied, "That's too bad."

It was a little laughter scene, so Caitlin was asked to take care of Stephenie. Caitlin then calls Charlie at night, seeing Stephenie Partying & Charlie got caught in a bedroom with Stephenie, but actually nothing had happened between them. Mayor also arrived out there.

It was a really awkward situation. Charlie & Caitlin covered it up with a lie, but confess about truth in the end, the next day.

So you should be able to guess, how much superb comedy can be made out of this.


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