
Best way to Prevent Right Click in Blogger Blog

Hi Fellas!

Well, I've found a very useful, yet easy to install feature for Blogger Blog, a method to Prevent User's Right Clicking in your Blogger Blog, which as I said, is not tough to imply.

I've said it to be the best, because it works + it has a quick installation & does not require much time.

Image by adamr,

I myself have tested the method & have found it working. That's currently though!

I've found this method on "", one Script by "Maximus" & the other by "Renigade", having two slightly different purposes.

Note: With this method, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+C" may still work!


Have you ever been a victim of text copying of your whole Blog Post & are worried about it
OR you are a person who is taking precautions in his Blogger blog, & want to stop others from copying your Blog Data.
OR there's a Privacy issue.
OR maybe, for some other reason, you want others to halt Right Clicking on your Blogger Blog.

Well, then you're at the right place, I'll give you a method to achieve the same.

Also, I've observed that best Search Engines (which may provide you viewers), like Google, respect the Original Data.

If you're the one, who originally wrote data & posted it first, There's a good chance that Google will recognize that. This is done with the help of their Googlebot's algorithm, which is not only based on who was posted First or was crawled first, but on some other factors too.

AND If your Data was original & unique at the first place, then you'll be given more priority.

But still you may be curious to know the method OR are in a desperate need of it.


So, no more waiting, I'll present you the methods now:

1. With "Message" Script, given by Maximus, on, below:

Visit Now

Use "Ctrl+C", to copy the Script & use it for your Blog's stopping of Right-Click.

2. Without "Message" Script, given by Renigade, on, below:

Visit Now

To see the meaning of "Message Script", look through the Important Points , below.


1. For the Scripts that have been given to disable Right-Clicking, you'll need to add an HTML/JavaScript widget in your Blogger Blog, with the appropriate Script.

To know "How to add HTML/JavaScript" widget, in Blogger Blog, see the following post of mine:

See Now

2. Two versions of the method have been shown in The Method's links, one is With "Message" Alert, that'll show a message "Function Disabled", whenever someone Right-Clicks. The other version will not show the message & simply not allow Right-Clicking.

3. In With "Message" Alert Script, you can also change the message shown, by altering the text "Function Disabled", in the script. For example, using something like "Right-Click Disabled".

So I hope you would've liked the above way. Do comment if it worked or not? or to even talk to me.


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