
Download & Install Bottle Shoot on Bluestacks for PC

Hey Folks

Today, let's see a method to Download & Install Bottle Shoot on Bluestacks Android App Player for PC, which has been developed by Droid Hermes.


So bottle shoot is another one of those addictive Android Games, that are based on a simple Principle, but are a great fun to play. It's an Android game that let's you have stones, which you need to throw on Alcoholic Bottles. If you're against Alcoholism, it'll be quite fun to play :P

And yeh! How you control it is by sliding your mouse pointer, commencing form the stone in the direction where a bottle has been kept. There is a time limit & Target number of points to achieve. Consecutive successful shots give you more points. Can you do it?


So, it is necessary to run Android Market/Google Play Store on Bluestacks Android App Player for PC so that you may Download & Install "Bottle Shoot", to do it, look through the post given below:

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After doing so, simply Search for "Bottle Shoot" in Google Play Store on Bluestacks. Then install it.

Note: Since we're talking about "Bottle Shoot" by "Droid Hermes", please make sure that it's fromt he same developer.

Also you can check the label in link for the game, just given below, for verifying that you're installing the right one, before downloading. Do it in the browser only, since there are more than one "Bootle Shoot" named games.

If you need, here's the Google Play Store/ Android Market link for Bottle Shoot by Droid Hermes:

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After Downloading & Installing the game, if you change its size into "Tablet" in Bluestacks "Manage Applications" settings, then Shooting becomes tougher, because the Screen has now been stretched.

On the other hand it'll now be in Full-screen.

That's it!

I hope you liked the enjoyable game.

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