
Open all Settings in Bluestacks version 0.8

Hey People!

Picture By ponsuwan,

Bluestacks has received its latest upgrade to version (to be exact), which is very smooth & good looking but the limitations being that its new Settings app doesn't provide all the options.

Today I wanna tell you the easiest way to view all the Bluestacks settings, including the previous ones (previous version's-0.7), for adequate preferences.

Bluestacks is a software that allows you to run Android Apps on your Computer itself. It's still in Beta version, so its interface lacks a few Shortcuts! I'd say. People say that Bluestacks only allows you to run External Android Apps. Yes it's true, but with a few Steps (trick), it's in-built apps can also be accessed.

Now, as I earlier mentioned, Bluestacks has recently been upgraded to version 0.8.6, which is very beautiful with basis of Android 4.0+ devices major upgrade to previous Android 2.2+ interface. The Settings app of the new Bluestacks, lacks a few features, like Management of Contacts, Changing a downloaded App's Screen Size to Tablet for Fullscreen, etc, which previous version had.

These specifications played a crucial role in the appropriate usage of previous Bluestacks 0.7 & thus are required in Bluestacks 0.8 also. So at this time, I'd like to inform you that these Preferences are also there, they are simply not visible easily!


So, as I just said, Old Bluestacks' (version 0.7) essential settings are there, they are just not accessible by the new Settings App, provided in Bluestacks Main Menu interface.

To see a post about Properly Installing Bluestacks 0.8 on your PC, along with its review, look through the post in the link below:

View Now

So in order to use these old Bluestacks' important settings in Bluestacks version 0.8 also (not provided in the new Main Settings App of Bluestacks), simply follow the steps:

1. Downlaod & Install Bluestacks 0.8 on your PC, by the link above & run it.

2. After Installing it properly & running, click on the current time shown on BlueStacks screen on the Bottom-Right.

3. Next, click again on the dialog box that appears.

4. Now, you'll see that a "Settings" option has appeared. Simply click on it.

See the bottom-right of the screenshot below for that settings option:

5. Viola! a menu similar to previous Bluestacks' (version 0.7) appears in Bluestacks 0.8. Here you can change the required setting, like Changing an app's Screen Size to Tablet, Manging Contacts etc.

Don't forget, there's a new Settings App too, for the preferences extra to version 0.7 

So I hope you've found a way to quest for all the preferences in the new 0.8 version, including the previous Version 0.7's.

Comment with your Reviews, suggestions, queries or even to contact me.
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Image By Grant Cochrane,


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