
Playlist Options in MX Player for Android

Hey guys!

Image By digitalart,

MX Player is one of the best Media Players for Android, so far. In this Media Player, playlist options are also available, which are a little cheeky to find, but they are there, today, let's discuss them.


MX Player, so far (as on 22/05/2014) doesn't have an option to manually select files and add them in sequence for a playlist, but it has some additional features, which make it reach almost near to the full Playlist experience as it has settings to "Loop One", "Loop All" & "Shuffle" (Oops! I've revealed them already in the commencement! :P).

MX Player is one of the best Media Players for Android, available in the Google Play Store. Its serenity, clean & fast User Interface are its best features according to me. It doesn't usually hang too much and provides the apt access to various Video Playback options giving its users a dependable product. Also the developers have taken care of small things in it, like "What to do after finishing a video- Play Next or Stop?" OR "What to do at start of video- Play from beginning or where it was last left?" which makes its experience even better.

If you need my complete review of MX Player, check out the Blog Post in the following link:

View Now

Also, to know, how to Enable viewing & Playing of Audio Files on MX Player, see the blog post in the following URL:

View Now

Now for a long time I thought that MX Player doesn't support options to have the usual Playlist features, like Shuffle, Repeat/Loop one song, Loop all etc. But recently I came to know that they are available, so I decided to share. And as far as having songs in your list is concerned, they can be managed by keeping the songs that one needs in the Playlist, in a separate folder.
The details of the method are:


A general Playlist creator allows you to select media files, get them in a separate group (called playlist), Arrange them in a sequence you want (if manually), then Play them with options like "Loop One", "Loop All" & "Shuffle".

To do this in MX Player, there's no direct setting, but a combo will do! as:

1. Since MX Player organizes all the sub-directory folders separately, we can put our Media Files that we require in the playlist in a separate folder, anywhere in SD Card. Then that folder will be displayed in the MX Player interface. This is ofcourse only applicable with the default MX Player settings.

For instance, I can keep all my videos / audios that I require in my Playlist, in the sub-folder, "ENJOY" in the path "mnt/sdcard/MERRYQUEST/ENJOY". Then all the media (Audios and Videos) that I've copied there, will appear in the folder "ENJOY" in MX Player interface.

2. To arrange my files in the order that I require manually, I can rename them such that they start with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

Like I can name the first song that I need as "1 abc", second song as "2 xyz", where "abc" & "xyz" are any random names.

I know that this procedure is a little hectic, but it's the only one I know so far. Also, if you're not concerned about the manual order, like me, you might not require to follow this step.

3. This is the most important step. Now one can simply play the first or any video in that MX Player sub-folder. If you Long-press the "Next" button in MX Player, you'll see that 3 options, namely "Loop one", "Loop All" & "Shuffle" will appear, you can select any 1 or two. "Loop one" will play a single song again & again, until you don't stop it.

"Loop all" will play the whole playlist, i.e. all the songs in the folder again & again until you don't stop it. "Shuffle" will not follow the order of songs by name to play the next one, but simply play any song randomly in the playlist.

These were the essential Playlist options, that are also available in MX Player & will help to increase your Music and videos experience.

So I hope you liked the above post.
Comment with your reviews, questions or to contact me, I can also be contacted by the "Contact Me" option on the website.

Also feel free to share the post using its link (URL).



  1. Thanks for this tip, you've helped me out greatly. Honestly though, what a horrible place to insert the loop function? If you hadn't written this article, I wouldn't have known.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hehe! Ya, I know right! I'm also happy that they've improved it in the latest version, where this option is also available at:

      More Options (on top right) >> Play

    2. thank you so much!

  2. if i have many playlists and i want to shuffle so that i can listen to rendom songs from all playlists' what should i do?

    secondly, i have android multimedia in my car and i use mx player on es file explorer to sort and listen my playlists

    questions: what can i do so i can shuffle all songs from all playlists?
    thx in advanced

    1. Hi!

      Since, MX Player does not support playlists, like m3u, as far as I know, we can try some alternatives:

      1. Open MX Player, use more-options (on top-right), press view & then view all files. to see all your files, not divided by folders. Simply start playing any one & don't forget to enable shuffle.

      2. Second method, Copy (not move!) all the files together in a new folder and then play them. You can use the shuffle option by long pressing the "next" button.

      After you're done listening you can delete this new folder to clear up the space & the original files will still not be hampered since they were copied, not moved.
      But this method fails if there is not enough space to create copies.

      I hope this helps!

  3. Thank you for your assistance

  4. How to repeat video song in mx player? I mean which way we can listen video song always play alone?

  5. Thank-you so much for your help

  6. If I want to play every song from starting then there is any option?

  7. MX Player is really good, but I was stuck up for playlist. Your article solved my problem.

    Many thanks for that.


  8. MX Player is really good, but I was stuck up for playlist. Your article solved my problem.

    Many thanks for that.


  9. really thankful brother....

  10. i thank u 4 the advice re:making a playlist...i sort of thought that i might need to resort to using this method...however,..what idiot developer designs a media player without a playlist function? fact i have never had a phone media payer that did not have such a function...i am using mx player...but rather than creating subfolders and copying will be easier to install a different media player...which i'm about to do...thanks for the post though...

    1. Fcuk YOU, and fcuk playlists as well. MX is the best player on the market, bar none.

  11. Well one thing you guys can do is that select the files you wanna play and press play button on the top right corner. The only malfunctionality of this trick is that u would need to select the files every time you exit mxplayer, hopefully.
    this is the limit imposed due to lack of playlist features.

  12. I'm actually looking for a way to make MX Player stop creating the "Playlists" folder under \sdcard every time I run it. I don't use playlists at all, and like to keep a handle on my file structure. It also used to automatically create a "Subtitles" folder under \sdcard, and while I managed to make it stop doing that months or even years ago, I don't remember how I did it. Seems to me I somehow turned the whole subtitle feature "off" but I can't find it in the settings now. In any case, so far as I can tell the word "Playlists" doesn't even appear anywhere in all of MX Player's settings sub-sections. Anyone have any ideas?

  13. Thank you very much for showing how to create "video playlist" in MX Player. Though MX Player does not support playlist creation and playback in the true sense of the word, you showed a simple workaround that does the job.

    I have tried doing it in several other media players but was unsuccessful. Some players support audio playlists but NOT video playlists. Looks like MX Player is the one-and-only player for video playlists. Thanks once again.

  14. Plain text playlists called M3U files tell media players how to play music and video content. Many media players and streaming services support this format, which is widely used for sharing and managing playback lists.


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