
A tale of two Kingdoms Freeware PC Game Review

Hey guys!

The news Freeware PC games, whose Full versions are available for download are very good to read/hear, A tale of two Kingdoms is one of them, which is very much related to both "Point and Click" & "Adventure" genres. This game is very significant as when it was released, it gave a message that Adventure games still persist!

A tale of two Kingdoms, is a magnificent game, belonging to (as I mentioned earlier) Point & Click and Adventure category. The game excels more, on the basis of its story-line rather than its graphics or Sound. But those are the games that really do wonders. I mean see the games like Pokemon Gameboy games and Aveyond, they've done wonders based on the awesome tales.

The game has received quite some rewards, according to Wikipedia, so it has accepted well & appreciated in the market. Added to the story the game features Side quests, Good music, Alternative solutions, Teamwork with other CPU characters, FIVE different endings. So if you are a story lover, then you may like this one.

The tale of the Adventure is set in old times, when the Kings and Queens ruled. Well, that maneuver still persists, but you know what I mean. It's about the kingdom of Theylinn, which has been threatened by enemies from the outside and even Betrayal from the inside. The only heir of the Crown is Princess Rhiannon, which everyone is happy about or atleast seems to be!

Then there's the outside world, an Army could attack the kingdom! But there are also rumors about a hidden place, led by fairies. If found, could that be useful for the kingdom. Now you'll have to investigate through the world by talking to people, performing certain actions and fighting with some, to reveal the sheer truth in front of everyone. Of-course there are different endings, according to how you play!

The gameplay is good. At start you are told the Kingdom's past story and left in the Palace to probe for clues. I guess, Right Mouse button controls the kind of thing you're gonna do, like walking, talking, fighting, Performing an action, etc. The left mouse button, however, is gonna focus on the action itself and where or on what you're likely to perform it on.

So be a detective and just do it, with your contemplation skills!


A tale of two kingdoms is a game, concentrated more on the storyline, so you'll have quite much thrill and fun while investigating. The game is quite much different from games like First or Thrid-person shooters, but that doesn't mean it'll not be fun. If you like Deep Thinking, I think you'll enjoy this one. Also since it's Freeware and Full length game is available, you should give this one atleast a try.


A tale of two Kingdoms can be downloaded from its official website, in the following URL:

Visit Now

I myself have tried running it on Windows 7 and it works fine in that! Check the FAQs in the Official website if you're having issues with it.

So I'd like you to comment with your own experience of the game, your first-hand experience of it, or even of my blog and the Review.


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