
Difference between +1 & Share on Google +

Hey guys & girls!

Google+ (pronounced "Google Plus") has emerged to be one of the best & top Social Networks in the world & has quickly escalated through its ways, as it is one of the newest prominent Social Networking Website.Its working is quite different but still quite similar to other Social Networking Websites like Facebook & Twitter.

Different in the sense that it has different concepts & totally different Interface. Similar in the way that its aim is also focused on connecting people, which it has done quite well! Therefore, it is also one in the Ilk of Social Networking Websites.

Google+ has introduced a concept of "+1" & "Sharing" posts in it. (Ofcourse, like other websites, Google+ also has a Posting option!), which are quite fresh terms & understanding them is utterly required, in order to properly use Google +. I will not go into depth, like who'll see your +1 & who'll view your "Share", but just tell the basic difference.


First things first, 'Why do we basically use Social Networking Websites?' I mean what do we do with people! (lol!!! I'm not talking in double meaning). We simply chat with our friends or anyone & share what's currently on our mind & what we are doing! This is exactly what Social Networking websites provide.

They allow us to chat with our dear friends or even share a post on our wall, so that everyone could see it. That post can be text, image or video. Also you may receive the readers' comments on that post, just sharing their thoughts.

But that's not it! Social Networks also provide additional features, like Quick Shortcut links/options to show that you like a particular post/comment! For the same, Google+ provides +1 & "Share" links/options .

For instance, If I share a thought like "Life is great!" on Google Plus, people might see it & accordingly, I may also receive +1 , Shares or Comments on that particular post. I may tell you the difference between +1 & Share now:


But now the question arises, 'Why there are 2 (or more) options to show liked a post or not- +1 and Share. Well both have their respective purposes.

The image below shows how Google + currently displays +1,  Share & Comment options

As a reader, if you +1 a post, your friend has added, it's a way to show others that you like a particular post.

On the other hand, Sharing is vast than +1. If you share a post you read (from a friend who has added it to his Google+ Wall), it'll also show up on your wall, as if you added it, although your friend's name will also be mentioned as he/she was the original creator of the post.

By +1, you just show others that you like a thing, however "Share" would mean, you're telling others too about a particular post as you're excited about it. So in case, you like something & wanna promote it, Sharing will be required, simply +1 is not enough as not everyone sees your +1 but more people look at your Shared posts.

For instance, taking a real life example now. Consider your pal tells you, "I've got a new car!" +1 it, would mean, telling him & some others, "hey! I like it that you have a new car." Sharing it would mean telling everyone in your friendship circle, "Hey guys! my pal has a new car!" A little Different meanings are incurred in both the sayings, so different options!

Similarly +1 option is also available on comments too.

That's it!

I hope you got the point in the actual difference between +1 & Share on Google +.


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