
Best Adsense Ad Placement Locations- tip on Google Support too

Hey Fellas!

While using Google Adsense to optimize the earnings from a website traffic one has, it's also necessary to place ads at specific locations on your website, the parts which are more seen by the users, although you should not follow the wind by simply adding them anywhere, Google's Guidelines to properly using AdSense ads, so that they don't interfere with the fair-play are also to be followed.

Image By Keerati,

Briefly, one may generalize that Ads should be placed at the part, where users concentrate on your website, keeping care of Google Adsense's guidelines of correctly placing these ads. Logically this place, where Users concentrate, is near your Content (Text / Images / Videos).

So today, I'm gonna suggest you where that best Heat Zone is, along with the talk and link for Google's recommendation itself on "Best practices for ad placement". This is probably the best method to increase Click through Rate (CTR- Average clicks you get), which I've found to be working by my own Personal Experience.


If you have your ad placed only on the sidebar (a good location, but not the best!), you're probably gonna get about 30% of the clicks, which your website is actually capable of. Yes, I mean your CTR (Click through Rate), that basically tells how many average clicks on ads you get, could increase 3-fold, i.e. Thrice. Mathematically the increase level being 300%.

And without clicks, earning is not good and without earning, you know! So this increase is necessary to have a fine stable earning, but ofcourse taking care of AdSense policies.

Now, the answer to why a sidebar ad doesn't work that well would be that still no concentration, is paid by the reader, to it! The best remedy is placing the ad, near the text, your visitors may pay attention to ads then.

THE LOCATION (Tip on Google AdSense Support Website too)

So as I suggested earlier, that Good location, where people will see your ads- Near the content, but wait, don't place the ad anywhere near the content using your coding skills, Hacker! Complying with AdSense guidelines is also important. First let us take a look at few URLs on official, where very important information has been provided.

So, here's the link to "Best practices for ad placement", on AdSense Support, which provides general important tips on the best place to place! :

Visit Now

Also, you might wanna take a look at things about ad placement, that AdSense does not allow for ad Placements:

Visit Now

From the first link, about Good Practices, I'd like to quote, "Place your ads close to the content that your users are interested in, also make sure that users can easily find the content they are looking for." This is a very good brief description, of good ad placement for a high CTR: Place the ads near the content, making sure that the content is easily find-able.

Now you'd be wondering, this statement can be very wide at times and there should be a set of guidelines, to determine, the correct good CTR Ad Placement. The answer to this is provided by the second URL, which mentions some very important DO-S & DON'T-S for ad placements, so I recommend, you read them all. But still, I wanna mention a few points out of the above two support links for ad placement, which I find to be very important:

1. Place your ads near the content, where the users concentrate the most, so ads in-between or at the side of text, work the best. But you gotta take care of some appropriate guidelines too. On the right hand side of those 2 screens, there's also picture showing bad example of a Layout, Pushing Content below the fold. Trust me, if you implement these ad placements, near the content, keeping care of policies, you may see a big increase in the CTR (telling number of clicks) on your Google AdSense Earnings.

2. While placing ads, one has to make sure that the content of your website doesn't mimic ads, like AS YOUR CONTENT: there shouldn't be something with a clickable header, then a link and then some text (similar to ads).

3. Content should not be pushed below fold. For instance, ads should not be placed on the top which would make the content come afterwards. This practice is also against AdSense Ad Placement policies. Also, a special tool has also been provided by Google, to see what they think as being above or below fold, as there can be different browser screen sizes and resolutions. That is, to see from their eyes. This Appshot tool, can be accessed in the following URL:

Visit Now

UPDATE (2.1.2015): Recently I've come to know that ads can be placed below post title, in case they do not push the content below fold. By this, I mean that on the first glance, if a person sees both the text & a paragraph of content or so, along with the ad, it should be fine. But still, for safety, many bloggers prefer not to place them right below title.

4. Also, ads should not be placed near the links, Download Buttons or as a precaution, anything clickable, which may make the users accidentally click the ads, in place of the link.

5. Make sure there's no JavaScript or code, that refreshes automatically. Pages containing that should have AdSense Ads placed on them.

So, that's it for this post! Generate good results from your ads along with care for Google AdSense guidelines with the above points and links (provided in the post).


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