
Injustice Stats Calculator Review

Hi People!

Injustice Gods Among Us for Android / iOS (also available on KindleFire via Amazon App Store) is truly an addictive game. It commences by attracting you towards its Fighting part and then leads on to making you Enjoy the statistic part. Since, this game is also playable online, the enthusiasm lasts for long. For me too, Injustice is the game on which I've spent the longest time & still persistent, although I have been able to complete the offline levels.

Today I'd like to review the amazing Stats Calculator Tool, presented on lmurphy's website, which helped me a lot while playing the game and still does. So here's the link to it right away:

Lmurphy's Injustice Stats Calculator

Foremost thing, in Injustice it's not the level of character that matters the most, but its the Health & Damage stats that judge a character's quality. Although Health & Damage are not the only things that make a character good, but its a quite significant basis, more significant than levels.

Now knowing the final Health and Damage stats of a character at its final form: Level 50, Elite 7, is quite important before you decide to buy any character in the game. That's where Lmurphy's stats calculator will become handy.

It already has the current list of characters, up till Prime Aquaman, that is, only 1 character, Godfall Superman is missing. Added to that you may also put in your own custom Health & Damage for a character you want.

They currently have 10% Health & Damage Boost, due to support cards, but you can also add to it, if you have an Extra Support card, due to Alliance credits on iOS or due to passive like Upcoming Mortal Kombat X Scorpion, who has 8% extra Health boost per promotion, making it a total of (8*7+10)% Health boost at level 50 elite 7. It comes out to be 66%, so put in this value rather than simply 10%.

Finally Special 1, Special 2 and Super Damage calculator has also been added, to know more about which character is better, like Batman has very less special 1 damage.

So I hope you like that tool, it may help a lot.


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