
How to check a website on google search

Hey guys

Here I present a tutorial to check a website on google, OR to get results from a single website on google search.
This method may especially be helpful for webmasters who want to check whether some post or webpage of theirs appears in google search results or not.
Photo By The people from the Tango! project (The Tango! Desktop Project) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

So here's the way

1. Visit
2. Now type & search for:,

if you want to check my website status. You can replace it with any.
You'll be able to see all the pages of the website in google search.

3. As a user, if you want to add search filters, to visit or see a specific page the site, just search as:


which will tell the related results to 'game' from my website.

So I hope you liked the tutorial.


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