
Refresh Download Address Internet Download Manager (IDM) Special feature

Hello World

Here's the screenshot of IDM, the option, "Refresh Download Address" has been shown:

Today I'd like to tell you about a special merit of Internet Download Manager (IDM), which is really UNIQUE.

First up, I'd like to tell you that IDM is the bestest download manager, I've ever seen. Now only me but many other users have found the same.

It'll give you very high speed, efficiency, video downloads, file downloads, queing, auto-shutdown, everything in one package.


So the real deal I want to discuss is IDM's another fascinating feature. Refresh Download address.

Have you ever had problems like downloads speed getting to zero, while downloading or stopping in the middle, especially when downloading with browser.

IDM provides a perfect remedy to it. First of all, it may not stop your downloads, in the middle, if internet is stable.

Now even if somehow, your download speed reduces to zero, especially while downloading dailymotion. Here's the solution:

When the speed gets to 0, right click on the file, in Internet Download Manager Main Menu (or center of control) & choose refresh download address.
A dialog box will appear (don't close it), then start the downloading process again, from browser, you'll get your download to have a new address, but this time it'll resume from where you had left.

Isn't it wonderful.


So you can get or download the software from the link given, try a Free 30 Days trail without any other limitations & then buy the full version if you like it:

Hope you found today's tutorial useful!


1 comment:

  1. great app.Very useful for larger downloads.All thanks to team IDM.


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