Pages Free Disposable Email ID Service

Hey people

I was just surfing the internet & found a very small but handy solution to big problems, that we face on the internet.

Here's a small screenshot of the awesome website:

The makers of the solution, that I'm gonna mention have really put up great piece of imagination & innovation to solve the issue we face today.
This is about getting a quick email id, just for 10 minutes.


As the name suggests, is an email service, but it is not a normal one!

It's a free service

You'll get an email id only for 10 minutes. But the beauty of this thing is that you'll get the email id as soon as you visit the website, which is very fast process, as you won't need to provide any of your personal details.

Note: With the email, you get, you can only receive emails from others.

Note: You cannot have access to the email ID after it expires, so use it accordingly.

Note: You can refresh your email with 10 more minutes with the same ID, by pressing the give me 10 more minutes option.

Note: You can even get 100 more minutes, by pressing the option on the bottom of the webpage.

So wonder, Why would you need an email id only for 10 minutes?
Are you thinking, what I am!

You can use it for any other purpose you want.

So what are you waiting for, grab your first 10-minutes-mail & enjoy it, from here:

Visit Now

Photo By farconville /

I hope you liked the above simple solution to big issues. DO comment with your queries or your own review about anything.


1 comment:

  1. With this rundown you can focus on your required crowd. This is best for individuals who are keen on email advertising their items, business and administrations in a focused on territory.


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