
Video Conversion for Android/other Device- Imtoo Video Converter (Everything Explained)

Hello Folks
Photo By twobee /

Today I'd love to mention a way to convert videos for your Android Device or any other mobile phone  or Tablet or Ipod etc. according to your video quality needs & your device itself, using your PC.

I'll make use of a software know as Imtoo Video Converter Ultimate. I've given a Personal-Experience review & download link for it, here:

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The Pre-Requirements would be to have a PC, Imtoo Video Converter Installed & your device itself. Here's the link for official website for Imtoo Video Converter Ultimate (or simply Imtoo Video Converter):

Visit Now

You can start by using the trial version.


So let's get started with the conversion, but first of all, you'll need to think about two important things:

1. Your Mobile Phone's Class

By Class, I mean that you should know till what quality is your mobile phone capable of playing the videos. For example,

Devices like Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (or Galaxy Note), Samsung Galaxy S3, Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Sony Xperia Z, etc. are capable of playing even 1080 pixels HD videos Smoothly.

Whereas some other devices like Samsung Galaxy Mini/Pop S5570, Galaxy Y (Young), etc. are capable of playing videos upto 480 pixels Smoothly.

Note: I'll mention settings for both the above classes, mentioned above, for your convenience.

2. Your Own Need

Photo By Stuart Miles /

Also you would need to know your own need. For example,

Sometimes you would want to play non-HD videos in Galaxy Note too, for saving precious Memory Space required.


So finally, now that we have all the pre-requisites, & also know what class we want, we can commence the conversion process.

Note: You cannot convert lower video quality to Higher although the other way, Higher Quality videos to lower is possible.

Note: High Quality Devices like Samsung Galaxy Note, already play all the video formats, so you would require conversion, only if you want a lower quality video.

Here's the screenshot of Imtoo Video Converter Ultimate Software's Main Screen:

Here's the conversion process:

1. Open Imtoo Video Converter on your PC, Then add your input video file, you can also simply drag it.

2. Select the video profile you want. I'll prefer, "General Video Profile"- mp4.

3. Now cut your video (IF needed), using the cut button, on the top side of the Software screen.

4. Now go-to the video stream or codec option, on the right hand Side of the Software Screen & make changes as:

Video Size

This is the most determinant Factor, which will help you in playing videos smoothly on even devices like Samsung Galaxy Y.

This is a very useful trick, that I'm gonna mention.

Determine your input video resolution by by Right-Clicking the bar, that has columns "Names, Status, Ouput Size" etc. & click on Detailed. By Scrolling a bit towards right, you'll get the Video Resolution.

Consider that it is 1248*532.

Now choose your Resolution choice, between basically 320 & 640.
320- for smaller devices & 640 is for Bigger.

I choose 320, for instance.

Now what I'll do is find out the required height according to 320.
It'll be 532/1248*320. ( Use a calculator).

This has been done using unitary Method, as:

For 1248 = 532,
For 1= 532/1248,
For 320 = 532/1248*320.

Which gives 136.41 as answer & approximately it would be 320*136.

Now input this video size manually & press Enter.

The reason behind using this much long method is that, you video, in your device will have appropriate size & will not display in odd Resolution & Aspect Ratio in it.

Video Bitrate

For Smaller devices, 320K to 512K would be alright, for bigger ones, it should about 1000K.

Simply let other options in the Video Codec/Stream be default & auto.

5. Now is the time for Audio Stream/Codec, Select the audio bitrate, above or equal to 128K, which is good & change other options, accordingly.

6. Now that we've covered most of the options, it is time for final touch, like Video Cropping, Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Effect, Subtitles, Changing & Editing Audio, which can be found under Effects Button on the Top Side of the Software.

7. Now finally Start the conversion process, it may take some time for Longer videos.

Once the conversion is finished, you can put the video in your device & enjoy, knowing that you've got the best type of video you wanted to your device.

I'd like you to comment with your queries, if any & with your own review about the topic or anything else!

Photo By digitalart /


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