
Add New Contacts to Bluestacks for PC

Hello mates
Photo by phanlop88 /

Today I'm gonna present you with a superb yet small method to add contacts to Bluestacks for PC.

Bluestacks has an option to manage contacts, but it took me some time to find it, so here I'm showing you a way to do it, so that you don't get a problem.

Note: This post is for Bluestacks version 0.7. The method to add new contacts in Bluestacks 0.8 (the current-16/03/2014 latest Android 4.0+ devices based version) is different & the Post about it, is in the following link:

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Well this is definitely a nice question & the answer is, for using apps like, "Whatsapp" & "Viber" on PC, you need contacts installed. That is why we need to add contacts to Bluestacks.


Obviously, you'll need Bluestacks installed on your PC. Here is the link, for the post, which I've given to Download Bluestacks:

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Here's the link to download Bluestacks for PC:

Download Now


Note: Make sure you have the latest version of Bluestacks (Currently 0.7.10 beta) Update (26-10-2013), the latest version for bluestacks, now is: 0.7.18.

So here's the easiest procedure to add contacts to Bluestacks for PC:

Observe the "Settings" Button on the Main Bluestacks screen, on bottom-right side of the Screenshot:

1. Run Bluestacks & on its main App Screen, click on "Settings" Button o the Bottom-Right Side of the Screen.

2.Click on "Manage Contacts" Button.

3. Click on "Contacts" Tab, then.

4. Click on "Options" Button (on the bottom-left side of the screen) & Click on "New Contacts" Option.

See the "New Contact" option, that appears, below:

5. Enter the information for the contact & Click on "Done".

This is the Contact Form, where you gotta input the information:

Then you'll find the contact, you just added, in the Contacts List.

That's it!
I hope, you liked the above Tutorial. In Future, I'll try to add a tutorial to Transfer your Smart Phone Contacts to Bluestacks for PC.

UPDATE (25-10-2013) {Solved issue}

If you are getting issues, like your Contacts have been shown to be "Contact Saved", but actually not displayed in the Contacts list, you can simply go-to "Display Options" option, when you go-to Manage contacts & then press the options buttons on Bottom-left side.

Then under "Choose contacts to display", Click on the [User Account Name] of yours. Tick all the options that appear now, "System Group: My Contacts" & "All other contacts."

Your previously added comments should now be displayed.

If they still don't, try updating your Bluestacks to the latest version, by going to the official Bluestacks website:

Note: You may also see some duplicate contacts, I don't know why!, but it is recommended not to delete them.

Do comment with your questions or your own opinion about anything or even to contact me.

Photo By chris 論 (own design) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons



  1. I do not have manage contacts and contact in settings??What is the solution

    1. Well, there should be, make sure you have the latest version of Bluestacks installed, if there's still nothing, I'll make a video & then show it to you.

      Hoping for the best!

  2. Nope, it says that the contact has been saved but doesn't display the list!

    1. Hi!

      Thanks for giving a good question. As a reply, your answer has been added in the new "UPDATE" section of the post.

    2. I need answer for the same. Where is the update section?

    3. Hey Aryan

      Check this article carefully. Everything written below "UPDATE (25-10-2013) {Solved issue}" is your answer.

      OR For detailed description, check the article below:
      Bluestacks Contacts Saved but not Visible

      I hope your issue resolves after this.

  3. The article is very useful it helps me a lot. Thanks Bhai.

  4. i have a latest version of bluestacks and its totally different...i cant see the options which u showed in those pics..

    1. Hi!

      You might be talking about Version 0.8 onwards. I haven't completely tried that for now, because it has shown few bugs to me.

      Anyways, when I'll try that completely, I'll definitely add its method, if it exists. If you need further assistance, please tell me :)

      Best Regards
      Mohak Arora

  5. I cant download the software to my laptop...i dont know what to do

    1. Hi!

      What happens, does the downloading with online installer get stuck while processing?

    2. Hmm..nt really bt I hv downloded its version beta-1 nd wen ever i try to update bluestacks through softonic it says ur downlod is in it isnt..


      i cud downlod dat version beta 1 through dis link only...nt any othr i tried alot finding other links bt at last gave up on this

    4. Good... So is this installer working fine?

  6. Somewhat bUt while installing other version..It creates a lot of inconvenience no matter which version.... Of bluestacks i'm using...

    1. Ok, If I try to install that version in future & also I successfully install it, I'll add the post regarding how to install it correctly.

      Thanx for informing!

    2. Nd Could You Just Help Me To Install Its Latest Versions..??

    3. Ya! Sure

      Are you talking about version 0.8, if yes, please tell me exactly what problem you are facing?

  7. I cannot find the manage contacts in the new version of bluestacks at all! so can you suggest something to do about it? or is it better to download the version you are using as mine shows it is beta 1

    1. Hey

      Since I haven't tested the version 0.8 above (latest one) so far, I can't tell you about it, You can try to roam around a bit & find an option related to Contacts, otherwise I'll recommend you to try the older version only, because it works fine.

      Whenever I try the latest version & if also, a way to manage & add new contacts in it, is found by me, I'll definitely post it.


  8. this new version is gud in processing but the contacts are nor showing nor editable this sucks

    1. Hey

      I'm super-busy for a few days, please be patient, so that I could find a solution & then reply. :)

    2. Hi

      There is a way to manage Contacts even in the latest Bluestacks 0.8, check the following post for that:

      Create new Contacts in Bluestacks version 0.8

  9. How to add contacts in Bluestacks beta-1 version (preferred for windows 8.1) ??

    1. Hi!

      I think you're talking about the latest Bluestack 0.8. Well the method to add contacts in the latest Bluestacks version 0.8.6, is in the following URL:

      I hope you get contacts working with that.

  10. i don't hav the menu button

    1. Hi

      Maybe that's because you have Bluestacks Beta 1 version 0.8. To create contacts in the new one, see the post/article in the following link: .

  11. Hello
    I know that this question is not related to "Bluestacks" but i didn't find any other way to contact you sir.
    At present i'm using Windows7 and Windows8.1 in my laptop(multi-booting).Now i want to completely remove Windows8.1 and use Windows7 and Linux.
    Please mention the steps to be followed.
    Hope you will help me.

    1. Hey buddy!

      First of all, From my side, it's fine, if one asks a question through comments, even not related to the topic. Bluestacks runs Android OS and this is an OS question, so that's a relation! :P

      Anyways, I don't know much about installing operating systems or something, especially Linux, I've never tried installing it. I've always been into Windows. I don't know much about multi-booting either. But I think in your case, the system files for Windows 7 & Windows 8.1 should be in separate drives (volumes), so I'm considering the same. Also, don't forget to backup your important data contained in system drives, first.

      So talking about the process now, the procedure to install the operating system, generally followed is by booting it through a DVD/CD. If one does it that way, before the actual installation begins, you're given an option to format a drive or any drive completely. So here's your answer, you can format the drive that has Windows 8.1 and then run Windows 7 only. After that you can begin installing Linux in that Empty drive.

      All of above, was just my thesis okay! I'm not sure about the correctness. So do your research on the internet or even by asking friends and if it works it's great. :)

      I know that the above answer might be a little less than "Up to the mark", but that's what I know about Booting and installing Operating Systems, currently! Maybe in future, if I get to know more, I might post it, if needed.

      Have a nice day!


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