
End Processes to Quickly Shut-Down Programs

Hey guys

Today I'm going to give you a small but extremely useful post, a method that'll teach you how to quickly close your Programs that hang up & annoy a lot!

Photo By nongpimmy /

It is also useful to Completely Close Bluestacks for PC, which doesn't fully close down, even when the "Cross" Button on the top-right corner of the screen is pressed.

If you use the "End Task" option to close a Hanged-up Program, sometimes, it also doesn't work.

Closing/Ending Processes is an immediate method to End/Close any Program that Hangs-up or doesn't close down easily.

As I said earlier, this method is also brilliant for Closing Bluestacks. I'll also tell you about that.


The method is an awesome & easy one. Many Users may have been introduced with this method earlier. But I'm mentioning it now, for the ones who don't know:

1. Open "Task Manager", by Right-Click the Taskbar & Selecting "Start Task Manager." Also you can use "Ctr + Alt + Delete" Shortcut to open the task Manager.

2. Now under the "Applications" section, see the Application, that you want to close down or the one that has Hanged up/Not responding.

3. Right-Click it & Select "Go to Process". You'll then be taken to Processes section, where the related process will automatically be selected.

4. Now simply End the Selected Process By Pressing "End Process" Button or Right-Clicking it.

By This method, mostly, you'll be able to close the programs straight away & immediately. Your unsaved data may get lost.

I've used the word, "mostly", because sometimes, there are special cases, where your program may not close by Ending a process. For that, see the following points


1. One day, I shut down a process, " explorer.exe" & I couldn't see anything except the Task-Manager & Desktop. The Taskbar & program Icons, were gone.

So I had to Restart the computer manually using the Task-Manager. But in some other case, the process, "explorer.exe" may have got damaged, which may have led to the corruption of Windows.

So I'd recommend you to not to close any processes, that you don't know about, like "Explorer.exe" that manages the Display of Desktop Icons & the Taskbar.

2. Sometimes, this method of shutting down a Program may not work. A program may be associated with more than 1 process. Shutting down one of them may not close it.

3. Sometimes a process tells its relation to a program, with its name related to the Program name. For example the processes of Web Browser, "Google Chrome" is "chrome.exe".

Also under the "Description" Section in the "Processes" tab, you might be able to see the Process' Company name or something related to it.

4. To close the Program Bluestacks, which I guess, doesn't close down easily, you have to first close it using the cross Sign, on the Top-Right Corner of the screen.

Then End the Process, "HD-Agent", using the way, given in "The Method" section.

See the screenshot of Windows 7 Task Manager:

After sometime, Bluestacks won't be in the Taskbar's notification area, after you'll hover over it.


Point 4 was for older version of Bluestacks. Now in the New Version (0.7.10), you can exit Bluestacks, by simply Right-Clicking it in the Notification Area of Windows & clicking on "Quit" Option.

Note: I may not be responsible for any damage caused, using the methods given above.

That's it.

I hope you liked the above Tutorial.
Do comment with your questions or opinion about it.

Photo By Boians Cho Joo Young /


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