
Play Audio Files with Video Player on Android

Hey Folks

Recently I've given my personal Experience review on MX Player for Android & its cool features, Here it is:

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MX Player is one of the best Video Player App on Android.

Photo By fotographic1980 /

But is it capable only for playing videos? No, of course not! especially when it has codecs for Playing both Audio & Video Files.
But it doesn't search for/give a method to run Audio files with it.

So I will also teach a method to play Audio Files, like wma or mp3, with MX Player for Android.

Note (Update 23/5/2014 on merryquest): MX Player has updated & now it supports Audio Files in its interface itself, so instead of using the indirect method given in the current post, check out the better one in the following URL:

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The current method (in this article/post) can be used for other Video Players.

I'll also tell you probably 2 reasons, why you'll need to play Audio Files with a Video Player, MX Video Player.


So First of all, we need to know the cause, why we need to Play Audio Files with a Video Playing App, like MX Player for Android?

Here are the most probable two answers for this question:

1. MX Video Player for Android has many awesome Sound Playing Features like Having 200% Sound Volume, which are not easily find-able in Audio Players.

So sometimes, to get 200% Volume of an Audio, you may wanna use MX Player for even Audio Files. Here's a post of mine, that explains a method to get MX Player have 200% Sound Volume:

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2. Some Smaller Android Phones, don't support the playback of .wma like audio Files. For them, you'll need to have a separate app for playing these Audio Files.

But with a Video Player installed, like MX Player, why would you need a separate Player, especially when the Video Player already has the required codecs.

So these may be the most probable causes to why would you want to use MX Player to play Audio Files. But there can be many other reasons too.


You will require, the following things to do the trick:

1. Video Playing App, like MX Player for Android

Of-course MX Player/any other video player for Android is needed app, for this method to work. At the start of this post, I've given a link to my post regarding MX Player for Android.

Also, here's the Google Play Store/Android Market Link for MX Player (Ad-Supported FREE):

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You can use any other good video Playing App, if you wan to.

2. ES Explorer for Android

ES Explorer is a very good file Exploring App for Android, this is also a must have app, for this way. Here's the Google Play Store/Android Market link to Es Explorer for Android:

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The method involves the usage of Open With/Open As option in ES File Explorer. If you want details on Open With/Open As option on Android, using ES Explorer (Just for Knowing!), here's the detailed post:

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Here are the steps, which you should follow, after installing ES Explorer & a video Playing App for Android:

1. In ES Explorer, Browse or Search for the audio File, which you want to play with a Video Player.
2. Long Press that app & Choose "Open As" option.
3. Then select "Video" and Further Tap on "MX Player", or the Video Player, you have.

See how "Open As" Dialog Box looks like, below:

Your file would then be played & simply enjoy it!!

I Hope you liked the above tutorial.

Image By Boians Cho Joo


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