
Open With/Open As Option for Android

Hey mates

Have you ever used Android & Windows!
One of the most Small but important features, that Windows has but Android doesn't is the open with, option on any file in windows, unavailable in most (probably all!) Android Phones natively.

Photo By David Castillo Dominici /

But Don't worry! I've found a way to Open with/Open as any file on android too & here I am presenting that  to you.


Well I needed that feature very much.

Consider that an Android phone in its stock form isn't able to run .wma files. But it has a Video Player app installed, like MX Player. This app can run .wma files.

But how to give it the command to do it, as it doesn't show any option to open .wma files, although it can do it.

This is when the need for "Open With/Open As" arises.


So here's the method.

Simply install an app called, "ES Explorer", here's it's android market/Google Play Store link:

Get Now

After installing this app, open any file with any other app, you have already installed, by Long Pressing the file in this app & choosing the "Open As" option.

The below screenshot shows the Options you get when you Long press a file in ES Explorer.

That's it!

I hope you liked the above tutorial. DO comment with your own review, query or anything about anything!


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