
Make Labels Support Numbered Page Navigation in Blogger Blog

Hey People
photo By maya picture ,

Recently I gave a post about adding Simple but Highly Customizable Labels in Blogger (blogspot) Blogs. Here's the link to that:

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There was a very nice pro about it, you could make Numbered Page Navigation, that you might have added, by making edits in Template support in Labels too, because generally, this Template-Edited Numbered Page Navigations doesn't show up in Labels Pages.

The method is so good & also not very tough, that I decided, to write a small review about my own Tutorial. lol!

Actually there's another reason, which has been mentioned below.


I had an issue with my Numbered Page Navigation not Supporting Labels Pages & when I googled about it, I could not find anything.

So, as you might know, that Titles are the best form of Keywords, I decided to write a Separate Post about "Labels supporting Numbered Page Navigation", so that people who had the same problem as mine, could find a solution easily.


I've already given a link at the top of this post, about the method to add those special labels in Blogger Blog.

The actual reason behind why Those labels support Numbered Page Navigation, is the addition of "&" in them.

This small, but Highly important keyword is the signal to Numbered Page Navigation and therefore it works.

That's it!
I hope you liked the above small review about my own post. :P

Photo By chris 論 (own design) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


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