
No Template Customization | Lables | Limited number of Posts Per Page in Blogger Blog

Hey Folks
Photo by artur84 /

Recently I gave a post about adding Simple but Highly Customizable Labels in Blogger Blog. I think it was a very good method. Here's the link to that post:

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It had a very good feature in it, with it, you have the ability to limit the number of posts displayed per Page, in  Labels Pages.


If you have a Blogger Blog with large number of posts & you had to add Labels to it, it could render your Blog slow, as the Original Blogger Labels widget shows all Posts, in a label, at once, which makes the Labels Page very Heavy and slow.

So that is not at all good for your readers.

As a solution, I've already given link tot he post of mine (at the top of this post), which has High Customizations & is easy to make.

And one of its customizations says that we can limit the number of posts displayed Per Page in Label Pages of Blogger Blog.
Isn't it wonderful?

And yes, we don't even require to edit our Blogger Blog Template to do it.

So what are you waiting for, just visit the link of a post of mine, given on top of this post, to add those Highly Customizable Labels to your Blog & also limit the number of posts displayed per Page in Label Pages.


So now you might ask, why did I give a separate post to display this feature only, if there was already a post giving it?
OR Why did I give a review about my own post? :P

Well the reason is that I want the people who come by Searching my Blog on Google, to know that the given post has very nice label customization-Limiting the Number of Posts Displayed Per Page in Label Page, without editing the Blogger Template, as you may know that Titles are the best Keywords.

That's it!
I hope you liked the above post.

Photo By farconville__


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