
{Solution} Favicon Added but not visible in Blogger Blog

Hey Friends

Now I'm gonna show you a simple solution to an issue. The answer to why that issue occurred is not understandable.

Below is the image of my blog's current Favicon:

As the title says, when you add a Custom Favicon on your Blog, it doesn't show up although, in interface it says you've added it. Here's the simple solution to that.


Favicon is a small icon that is displayed with the title of your Blog, in the Browsers Title Window, whenever a webpage of your Blog is opened.


Blogger has provided a method to upload our own favicon Small Square image, as Favicon for your Blog. So if you wanna design a Favicon & convert the image you have into Favicon, you should visit the following website:

To upload the favicon, you've created, visit the "Layout" Section of your New Blogger Interface & Click on "Edit" Option, right next to words "Favicon", on the top.


So the issue is that even if you upload your new Favicon, & it shown to be added, in your dashboard, but when you see your Blog, it is not. The solution to this is not very complex:

1. Visit the following url:

http://[Your Blog URL]/favicon.ico

Replace "[Your Blog URL]" with your Blog url, for example, for my blog it'll be:

2. Then Just refresh the url you visit & your Problem has been solved!

That's it!

Was it very tough? :)

Do comment with your queries/opinions.

Photo By Master isolated images /


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