
Download & Install BMX Boy on Bluestacks for PC

Hey Guys

Above is the game's Screenshot on Bluestacks

Today I'm gonna tell you, how to install BMX Boy, a nice Android Game on Bluestacks Android App Player for PC, along with its review.

This is very much related to the game, Skater Boy, which was also released by Runner Games, the post for which has been given here:

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So for the game to be installed, on bluestacks, you should first have Bluestacks, installed on your PC. By the way, Bluestacks is a software that lets you run numerous Android Apps on your PC, only.

Here's an article that gives a review about Bluestacks & also tells you, how to download & install it:

Here's the download link for Bluestacks, straight way, if you need:


BMX Boy, is like the game known as Skater Boy, as mentioned earlier. It has been made by the same developers, "Runner Games" & like Skater Boy, has been tailor-made for Fun.

This time, our hero has a Bike, but there are obstacles, while travelling on Bicycle too. So that means, we guys are to the rescue & make him dodge through the troubles in the way to the destination.

Yes, right, the games basis is more or less the same. You've got to cross the obstacles, by jumping across the various hurdles. But this time, there are a lot changes too. For instance, you can perform flip-flops differently in the air.

Then, everything might look similar, like Skater Boy, but it's all unique. Because there are exciting 90 levels, each bringing a great fun! You'll get addicted to this game too.

The levels have been segmented to Worlds, each having a different kind of scene & levels. You've got to cross the obstacles, to reach the end. Collection of Points can be done, by Coins, found in the way, trophies & performing jumps & Flip-Flops and the controls are similar too, "Jump" & "Forward". Animals too may come in your way, trying to halt you.

Three kinds of Marks or Records, can be achieved at the end of each level, "No lives lost", "High-Score" & "All trophies". There's a checkpoint system too, by which, you can get to a checkpoint, bu the number of checkpoints, available are limited. But they can definitely be Collected, while in the levels.

The game's size is also very good (about 8 MB) and it is totally addictive, which makes it very handy for any Android Phone & we can use it well, on Bluestacks too.


Now, to download & install BMX Boy on Bluestacks for PC, you'll need to run Google Play Store/Android Market, first on your Bluestacks, the post given by me below will tell you how to run Google Play Store on Bluestacks:

Now, in Android Market / Play Store, Search for "BMX Boy", then download & Install it.

Also, here's the Google Play Store/Android Market link to BMX Boy for Android:

Note: 1. You can use the Keyboard "Forward Arrow Key" & "Space-bar" Keys, to move Advance Forward & jump, respectively, in the game.

*In some PCs (Probably the case here!), maybe the "Space-bar" & "Up Arrow Key", might be used, to Move Forward & Jump, respectively.

2. After installing this app, there may not be any need to change its size in the Manage Applications Section of Bluestacks Settings.

That's it!

I hope you liked the game. If you have any queries or your opinions, to share with me, use the Comments Section or contact me, using the "Contact Me"  Tab of the Blog/Website.


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