
Download & Install Skater Boy on Bluestacks for PC

Hey Mates

Here's a Screenshot of game in Bluestacks:

I would love to share with you, an awesome post today, Skater Boy, available on Bluestacks Android App Player for PC, along with its review.


So for the game to be installed, on bluestacks, you should first have Bluestacks, installed on your PC. By the way, Bluestacks is a software that lets you run numerous Android Apps on your PC, only.

Here's an article that gives a review about Bluestacks & also tells you, how to download & install it:

Here's the download link for Bluestacks, straight way, if you need:


Skater Boy is an awesome Two-dimensional game, based on a "Skater-boy" itself (of-course :P). When it came into Android, it really became quite popular & I loved it. Whenever I used to ask my friends about this game, "I've played it already & liked it!" was their answer, mostly.

The gameplay has two controls, "Forward" & "Jump". The classic interface of crossing the levels, from beginning to the end, is its basis. But boy, that is what makes the game so addictive. You need to jump across the various hurdles that a Skater Boy faces.There are 3 different kinds of High Scores/Records/Marks. One is when you actually get Highscore by Collecting coins in the way to your goal.

Second is "No lives Lost", which tells that you didn't lose a life while Completing your level & are rewarded by a Mark for that. "All Trophies" is the third kind of highscore. While passing through your way to destination, other than coins, you'll also be given an opportunity to collect trophies, whose number is already pre-decided, I think 5 in each level.

So collect all the trophies in a level too, if you want to set a different Record. I remember that when I played the game & was about to start hard levels. Before commencement, I needed some practice & also some break from the tougher levels, so I decided to create my own Challenge: "To collect many Marks (All-Trophies, No lives Lost & Highscore), in previous levels & it was fun.

You also get Points (other than coins), by jumping in the game & multiple Jumps may give you will extra points, more than a single jump.

There is a World Division in the game, to divide levels (just like in the popular game, Angry Birds!). Each world has been divided into about 30 levels & the surroundings may also change, when the World does.

There are checkpoints too, by the virtue of which, when you fall off, the level can started from Previous checkpoint. But the number of checkpoints, when you fall off a hurdle are limited. You can increase them, by getting Checkpoints, jumping in the levels!

I tell you, this game, given by "Runner Games", is very addictive & considering its size (about 6.3 MB), it's a fabulous game. It will make you love it.


Now, to download & install Skater Boy on Bluestacks for PC, you'll need to run Google Play Store/Android Market, first on your Bluestacks, the post given by me below will tell you how to run Google Play Store on Bluestacks:

Now, in Android Market / Play Store, Search for "Skater Boy", then download & Install it.

Also, here's the Google Play Store/Android Market link to Skater Boy for Android:

Note: 1. You can use the Keyboard "Forward Arrow Key" & "Space-bar" Keys, to move Advance Forward & jump, respectively, in the game.

*In some PCs, maybe the "Space-bar" & "Up Arrow Key", might be used, to Move Forward & Jump, respectively.

2. After installing this app, there may not be any need to change its size in the Manage Applications Section of Bluestacks Settings.

Also try the awesome BMX Boy, that too, by Runner Games, where our hero has a bike, here:

View Now

That's it!

I hope you liked the game. If you have any queries or your opinions, to share with me, use the Comments Section or contact me, using the "Contact Me"  Tab of the Blog/Website.

Image by chrisroll,


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