
Extra Security for Facebook Account- Login Notifications

Hey Folks,

Photo By franky242,

"Security, Security, everywhere..."

It's now time to Secure your own Facebook Account, which might contain very precious Personal Information, from Hacking.

So an earlier post by me, dealt with the addition of Extra Security on Google Account, then there was a post about Extra Security on Yahoo Account. Both were based on addition of another Login-Page to make it a 2-step Verification Process, where the second code was taken, from your Mobile Phone SMS, mostly.

This one is slightly different, maybe, Facebook also has a 2-Step Verification service, but I'm not currently aware of it.

This post will deal with the another method of Security on Facebook Account- Login Notifications.


Many People Nowadays use Facebook for being in touch with friends, chatting with them, sharing Pictures, Videos, status, etc. In this process, we generally also show our Personal Information, like our Relationship Status or Personal Pictures.

So it then becomes important to protect that data. Facebook has provided many ways to have privacy & show your personal information only to a few chosen ones. There are also ways to protect your Account from Hacking, so that no-one can use it for evil purposes.

One of measures for the protection is the Concept of Login Notifications.


For this one, again a Mobile Phone Number or this time, even on your Email, with working SMS Plan is required. It's base is on remembering of Browser only.

For instance, if I enable the "Login Notifications" for my Facebook Account, whenever I login again, there will an Extra Security Page, asking me to either "Save Browser" or "Don't Save". In any case, an SMS will be sent to to my Mobile Phone, along with an email to my Email Account, about the fact that someone, from an unknown browser has peeked into my Account.

I can then immediately Login, to save my Account. If "Save Browser" option was chosen, then the next time I login through that particular Computer & that particular Browser, no info will be sen tot my Phone.

In Short, it'll inform you if any suspicious person, other than you-yourself Logs into your Facebook Account. Where, you can tell facebook, who is "You-Yourself", by using "Save Browser" option.


Note: The below points will tell the procedure while using Web-Browser on Windows PC, for other Operating Systems, the procedure should be more or less similar.

After getting to know about "Login Notifications" on Facebook, let's start activating it now. Follow the following procedure:

1. Login to your Facebook Account, from the following official website of Facebook, or create a new one, if you don't have one:

2. On the Top-Right Corner of the Web-page, click on the small "Gear" Button & choose "Privacy Settings".

3. On the Left-Side of the web-page, there should an option of "Security", go-to that.

Here's the Facebook Security Settings Screenshot

4. Under "Security Settings" now, click on "Login Notifications". Simply enable both "Text Messages/ Push Notification" & "Email".

It's required to Enable/Activate Facebook for Mobile, for Text Messages to work. To do it, (if it doesn't ask), go-to "Mobile" Option on the left-side of the web-page.

5. Now, after enabling Login Notification, let us see how to do settings for it.

If somehow, you saved a Browser by mistake, or after saving don't want it to be under the list of Secured Web Browsers for entering into your Account without notifications, you can check "Recognized Devices" settings, under the "Security" to remove any Browser fromt he Secured category, enabling to receive login Notifications, from it again.

SO Finally, this will enable "Login Notifications" for your crucial Facebook Account, so that you will know if any unknown person, is Entering into your Account.

I hope you liked the way.

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