
Extra Security for Facebook, Yahoo, Google Accounts

Hey Fellas!

Photo By Salvatore Vuono,

"Security is something, that should not be avoided, otherwise the loss could be inevitable."

SO Security is must & topmost priority. Today it's the moment to talk about some security features to be implemented in your personal Accounts: Facebook, Google (like Blogger, Gmail, Google Plus, etc.-All together) and Yahoo.

All the security features, that I'm gonna mention now, are more or less based on having a Mobile Phone Number, with a working SMS Plan. So that'll be a pre-requirement for having these settings activated, to protect your Account.

1. Google: 2-Step Verification

Google's 2-Step Verification settings have been nicely Proceeded by Google. They have explained it well & also implemented them, in a cool way. This will be a one-time activation for all Google's Services like Blogger, Youtube, Gmail, Google Plus, Google Drive, etc.

The basis for Google's method to add extra security features would be add another web-page while logging in to your Account, asking for a Special Code (called Verification Code), which is different every-time & can only be received with a Text Message, sent to your Mobile Phone.

So even if, the convict has your Password. He won't be able to have the Verification Code (without your Phone) & thus your Account is rescued. Also, in case you lose your Mobile Phone, you are also provided with some Backup options, like Backup Codes.

In order to commence implementing Google's 2-Step Verification on your Account & for some details, check the following post, showing you how to do it:

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2. Yahoo: 2-Step Authentication

Yahoo has also stepped forward, to provide its users with Secured Access to their Yahoo Accounts. The 2-Step Verification, here also, uses your Mobile Phone's SMS Plan & makes Logging in, a two step Process, where first you log-in & secondly provide answers to security questions or A Special Code from a Mobile phone, when Accessing from an unknown Computer.

To implement Yahoo's nice 2-Step Verification and have a few more details of it, see the following post, by me:

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3. Facebook: Login Notifications

Facebook has a different method for security, which is also nice. This method will give you Push Notifications/Text Message to Mobile Phone & Email.

After Activating "Login Notifications" on Facebook, everytime you login, you'll get an option to save the browser. It'll be saved! And when someone else logs-in from a different browser, even if he/she saves it, you'll get a notification on your Mobile Phone & Email ID.

So for using these Login Notifications on your Facebook Account, check the post below, where I've provided the method & some details:

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To talk a little about metaphorical understanding. Facebook's Login Notifications are like the Alarm that rings, after someone steals something precious, whereas Google's 2-Step Verification & Yahoo's 2-Step Authentication are similar to Security systems that protect your Precious thing before Stealth is done. Both the systems (Facebook's & Yahoo's+Google's) are good.

So That all Guys, The methods mentioned above, will help you have Super-Extra Security, to your Accounts. I hope you like them.

Comment with your review, queries or even to contaact me! I can also be Contacted fromt eh "Contact Me" Option on the website.

Image By 89studio,


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