
3 steps to Change App Screen Size in Bluestacks version 0.8

Hey Fellas!

Changing App Size was one of the crucial options of Bluestacks version 0.7. In version 0.8 (current latest on 18/3/2014), similar setting is present, it's location is a little different than Bluestacks 0.7. Today I'd like to articulate my views on that, i.e. Screen Compatibility of Apps in Bluestacks 0.8 also. Also, as an extra, if you wanna see how to Rightly/Properly install Bluestacks 0.8 on your PC, check the following post:

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Image By Teerapun,


Foremost of the things, you should know, is that Bluestacks is a software that allows one to run Android Apps, on the PC itself.

As I mentioned in the past few posts, Bluestacks has been recently updated to the latest version 0.8.6. The previous version 0.7 was based on Android 2.2+ devices, but the current latest version has Android 4.0+ interface, making Bluestacks' far more smooth & nice to see. A lot new has come in the major upgrade, but still it is pristine in Beta version only.
The new look is really Handsome, but the location of Settings & side-ways like Accessing the Contacts App, Changing App Screen Size, etc. have also displayed transition. So we'll discuss about Changing App Screen Size today.

In Bluestacks' version 0.7, we could change an Installed App's screen size to Tablet, in case the App does not run in Fullscreen mode (Screen Compatibility). The normal mode of the App,  might now be Fullscreen, reducing the user's quality of experience. But this Bluestacks Setting, used to allow the utilization of that small-sized (lesser than Fullscreen), to be run as Wide Fullscreen Application.

A change in above preference was shown by Bluestacks version 0.8. The accessibility location of it, is not the same. So Today, I'd like to discuss about the access of "Changing an App's Screen Size" Setting in  Bluestacks 0.8 also.
We'll make use of the way to access Bluestacks 0.7 like Settings in Bluestacks 0.8 also, which was talked about in one of the previous few posts on this website (


So for changing an App's Screen Size (Screen Compatibility of Apps) in Bluestacks 0.8, the following steps have to be followed:

1. Click on the Time on the lower side of Bluestacks Main Menu Screen, then Click on the dialog box that appears & finally clicking on the "Settings" option that shows up.

2. You should now be able to see Bluestacks 0.7 like Settings.

3. Click on "Change App Size" option & change the Setting of the App's Screen Size, i.e. not Full-screen, to "Tablet" & Press "Done".

That's it!

Now the App, which you'd have wanted to run in Fullscreen, might do so, even in Bluestacks version 0.8.

Comment with your own reviews/queries or even to contact me.
I can also be contacted from "Contact Me" tab on the website, which include some private options, to contact also.

Image By Master isolated images,



  1. I can't believe that the methods is sooo easy -___-
    Thanks for sharing by the way :D

    1. I'm happy you liked it :) You're welcome

    2. itss terrible. i've got an intel i7 and it hangs.
      i'm giving up.

    3. Thanks for providing recent updates regarding the concern, I look forward to read more. emulatoren für android

  2. How do you change the window size?

    1. Hey!

      Currently I don't know how to do that fella! I know only 2 Screen Sizes of BlueStacks: Fullscreen and Medium. I'm not sure, why would you like to do that?

  3. Didnt work for me

    1. Ya! That's because in the latest BlueStacks version 9 now, the steps have changed. I'm not sure but I think, I'll put an update soon.

      And sometimes, for few apps, even when you're able to change the screen size, it still doesn't work, maybe that could be the case.

      All the best!

  4. Worked brilliantly for me. Thanks.

  5. why i cant find "change app size " option in my bluestack

  6. 2016 and i just used this method to reset Allo in bluestacks!! Tonnes of respect

  7. HI .. I'm using Blue stacks V2.7.30 ..when I installed Hellotalk , the fonts are too small ... how can I make it bigger . Is there a way ? Is there like a zoom that can be used like on window .. CTRL + & CTRL - ?
    Thanks for the advice in advance .


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