
From the Bottom of the Heart Review & Download -Short Visual Novel

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Visual Novel Gaming is quite a unique concept focused entirely on the storyline and choice of talks. Today I'd like to articulate my views on an adorable Short Visual Novel tale, "From the Bottom of the Heart" along with its download instructions. The Short Visual Novel is available for Free.


Actually, more than being a game, I'd like to call "From the Bottom of the Heart" a Visual Novel only, where one is presented with an adorable short story, with beautiful graphics, music and design. Originally made in Japanese first, I think (not sure) titled "negaeba" in Japanese, this game has also been translated to English for world-wide release.

The graphics and pictures presented in the game have a high-quality, so it looks nice to see. The translation is superb, done by Chris St. Louis. Also the music is quite apt, according to the story.

Actually it's a very short novel, you might be able to finish reading it in about 10 minutes. It deals with the tale of  a Young man, who recently got cured of a dangerous disease, thrombocytopenic purpura, where a person cannot stop bleeding once he gets a wound or a cut. So he was hospitalized and later on, was fortunate as the medication he was given, worked well and he got cured.

But there was something queer. On the same day the boy was admitted tot he hospital, another girl named Ayumi Fujishiro, was also admitted for the same disease, could this be a coincidence? Due to this similarity, both developed good friendship and  made a pact to go to an Amusement Park together, once they get cured. But the boy got aided first and he never visited the hospital for meeting the girl again!

Now what will happen next? Will the two persons' path intersect again? Find out more by reading this awesome Visual Novel Game yourself.


So you can download this Short Visual Novel at "", translated to English, available for both Windows & Mac OS X platforms. Use the following link:

Visit Now
(To download, see the options right next to the picture of the game. Under "download", click on your required platform.)

So, I hope you liked the above review on short story.


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