
Lure of the Temptress PC Game Review & Download Instructions

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Today lets talk of a game that'll make you recollect moments of the past and stories one might have heard in the childhood: Lure of Temptress Adventure PC Game Review along with the way to download it from the internet, available for Free.


Like other Adventure games, Lure of Temptress is also based more upon its tale. It's a classic Point & Click Game, released near the year 1991. And today after about 23 years of its release, the game still persists, and has been liked.

Being released in that past date, the game ofcourse doesn't have that good graphics,as compared to today's modern games, but still its tale is very nice. Another one thing, this game has and is one of the earliest games to have is the Virtual Theater system, where characters, other than the Player itself also move and perform their respective tasks, irrespective of the main Character being controlled by the user.

Also, the player might need to ask for other characters' help and interact with them to proceed through the story. All the controls are under the co-ordination of mouse only, so you might not need to practice them first. Generally clicking the left Mouse Button on a relevant object gives you the Character's thoughts on it (to aid improvisation). Clicking the right-mouse button on the same things allows you to perform various operations. Also, going to the top-left corner of the screen will reveal various important options, including Saving the game or Restoring an old saved game.

The music of the game is also good and apt. First we're told about the tale, a little, to see what's going on and what to do:

The tale of the game commences with introduction to a merry kingdom, where The King had ultimately probed for the solutions to people messy problems and the place was at peace. But this calmness was transient. A furious attack to the kingdom by the beasts, Skorls, proved it and the inhuman creatures made the Kings's army collapse, where the King had to face fatality.

But there's still hope, just a few days before the arrival of the Skorls, Diermot was hired by the King. This guy was also able to survive the dangerous war. Now the question is, who is co-coordinating the Skorls and where is he/she? It's the Temptress probably (as the name of the game suggests).

So, starting with Diermot locked in the castle, find a way out and also probe for a method to put a halt on Temptress' evil deeds.


The game seems to have quite interesting and eye-catching story of the past. The graphics are not that good, as compared to the Today's advanced games. So if you're a story lover, go for it and download. It's available for Free.


Lure of the Temptress can be downloaded from, like a few games I posted in the past. I've checked it's running very well in Windows 7 64-bit. It can be Directly Played, right after installation. You may see the DOS Screen, showing that they've made it compatible with the modern Computer Operating systems. So here are the download instructions:

Sign up for an Account at, which is Free. Since "Lure of Temptress" is also for Free, you can add it to your cart after signing up. The game will then be available in your "My Collections" section, where you can download it. Both Windows and Mac options are present.

Here's the link for the game at

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