
Download Subtitles for Videos directly on VLC Media Player- VLSub

Hey Readers!

With its great efficiency and widespread Video Playback support, VLC Media Player has become one of the best in the the category of Media Players on PC. Not only I, but many others also say the same. Earlier, I gave a post on fixing the Out of Sync Audio or Subtitles on VLC Media Player, you might wanna check that out:

Out of Sync Audio & Subtitles Delay Options on VLC (fix)

Today it's the time to discuss about one of the new enhancement Plugins, which I've been able to probe in the VLC Media Player- VLSub. It's an addon for VLC on PC, which helps to download subtitles directly with VLC Media Player. I'm also gonna show a few screenshots to display its working.

Google Play Store Secret - pub: Search Filter

Hey people!

Google Play Store has really accelerated its way to become the best place to search for new stuff. The humongous variety of app on Google Play Store has attracted innumerable people, to buy a Phone having Android Operating System in it. The multifarious Apps is the best thing, I like about the Android Operating System.

Today, I'd like to notify you about a special tip, quite like a Secret- the "pub:" Search Filter / Tag, that may help you have better Search Experience, by displaying important results from a particular Publisher on the Google Play Store.

Best way to use Hashtags on Twitter tweets

Hey Pals!

Twitter has revolutionized the world with its brilliant idea of Social Networking. The site is based on extraordinary working criteria, with simple unique presentation & marvelous looks. One of the best things about twitter is that, you get following strangers. I love to meet strangers (provided they're nice!). It's like someone else complementing that your twitter profile is good. Today, I'll be discussing about the proper way of using the developed feature of HashTags with a Tip.

Actually the benefit of this tip will not only be for tweets but for Posts too. In other words, It'll be helpful for all the social Networks supporting Hashtags, including Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Best Adsense Ad Placement Locations- tip on Google Support too

Hey Fellas!

While using Google Adsense to optimize the earnings from a website traffic one has, it's also necessary to place ads at specific locations on your website, the parts which are more seen by the users, although you should not follow the wind by simply adding them anywhere, Google's Guidelines to properly using AdSense ads, so that they don't interfere with the fair-play are also to be followed.

Image By Keerati,

Briefly, one may generalize that Ads should be placed at the part, where users concentrate on your website, keeping care of Google Adsense's guidelines of correctly placing these ads. Logically this place, where Users concentrate, is near your Content (Text / Images / Videos).

So today, I'm gonna suggest you where that best Heat Zone is, along with the talk and link for Google's recommendation itself on "Best practices for ad placement". This is probably the best method to increase Click through Rate (CTR- Average clicks you get), which I've found to be working by my own Personal Experience.

Why AdSense Ads should NOT be displayed below Post Title

Hey pals!

Google, with its advanced network, has the most influential Advertising service, available for Publishers & for Advertisers, in the form of Adsense and Adwords. Added to that, Adsense has also setup a few guidelines for its publishers, regarding 'The right way to Present Ads on your Website'. Ad placement policies are a fragment of that.

UPDATE (2.1.2015): Recently I've come to know that ads can be placed below post title, in case they do not push the content below fold. By this, I mean that on the first glance, if a person sees both the text & a paragraph of content or so, along with the ad, it should be fine. But still, for safety, many bloggers prefer not to place them right below title.

Today I'd like to display an important part of the appropriate way for placing ads properly on your website, as a Publisher. I think Adsense Ads should not be placed right below the Post's title. If you're currently doing it, Please stop! it may be dangerous to your Adsense Account & may lead to banning, in severe cases. Note: This article is simply my suggestion. Since I do not represent Google AdSense, I CANNOT be completely sure. Therefore I may not hold responsibilities for problems.

I may also display the evidence for Why I'm saying that "Ads should not be placed right below Post title, in a Website/Web-Blog."