
Factory Data Reset-The Best way to get Android Settings back to Default

Hey Mates

Today I'm bringing up another post, related to Android. I know that the title is a it long, but it explains it all by itself, doesn't it? :P

Photo By Paul,

Anyways, today, I'm gonna show you how to Factory Data Reset your Android Phone & its uses. Since I currently use a Samsung Android Phone, running Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). I can tell the exact settings for the same firmware only.

But don't worry, if you have a different firmware, the settings will be near to the Settings I'm gonna show.

As the word itself says for itself, Factory data reset is a method to make your phone's Settings as they were when you just got your phone.

Here are some things that one is told about, just before one is about to do Factory Data Reset:

1. It'll wipe your Settings like, your Contacts, messages, Downloaded Applications, Google Account etc.

2. It may not delete your Music, pictures & other user data in SD Card (Memory Card), for deleting them, SD Card is required to be formatted.

So I'd strongly recommend you to backup your Phone, before you do a Factory Data Reset.

Here's a post of mine, that'll help you Backup the contacts on Samsung Devices (Phones/Tablets):

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So now the question arises, why would one require to completely remove all the personalized Settings & data from his own phone?

This question can be commonly answered with 2 basic replies:

1. You've done / made a setting that is permanent by mistake & you don't want it to be there, like adding a Google Account, that you didn't want to.

Therefore, in that case, you may get ready to even delete all the personalisation just to get one of them right.

2. You may realize by usage that your Phone/Tablet has commenced hanging a lot, more than it used to when you just bought it.

In that case, you may wanna kind of refresh your Phone by doing a Factory Data Reset.

OR you can find your own reason to do Factory Data Reset on your Android Phone.


So let's start doing a Factory Data Reset on our Devices:

Note: As I said earlier, I'm showing this feature for Samsung Android 2.3 Device, for other phones, you try the related settings, to find the Best Match.

1. Go-to "Settings" App in your Device.
2. Tap on the "Privacy" option.

3. Under "Personal Data", tap on the "Factory data reset" Option.

Then it'll ask for confirmation & also (maybe) Formatting SD Card. Choose the Options accordingly. Wait for a while, your Phone may Restart once or more than one times & when when Finally it's done.

Boom! you get your new phone back!

That's it!

We've successfully done Factory Data Reset on our Devices. I hope you liked the method.

Do comment with your reviews/queries.

Photo By Master isolated images,


1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for nice post bro


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