
Download & Install Shoot Bubble Deluxe on Bluestacks for PC

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See the Screenshot of Shoot Bubble Deluxe on Bluestacks:

Today let's talk about installing Shoot Bubble Deluxe on Bluestacks for PC, along with a little description/ review of it.


Shoot Bubble Deluxe is an ecstatic classic Android game, that makes you recollect thoughts about the first game you might have played of the same kind (Atleast happened to me!). Simplicity is what I believe is one of the top features of this game and I get a feeling that people who haven't yet tried it may adore it. It has currently attained a rating of 4.1/5 with 397,072 downloads on Google Play Store, which is directly a signal of its good quality.

Also, it's currently a 1.3 MB game, which is not at all big, so that also supports its serenity.

So, as I flickered a little about the game earlier here, Shoot Bubble Deluxe lets you play a classic Shooting Puzzle game, without any extra edits, which accounts for its simplicity and makes it non-ambiguous. A typical level's arena deals with hitting a few bubbles, already present, with one's own bubbles shot from the gun. The aim is to match the colors of the shot Bubble with the Target bubble, so that they get destroyed. You require to destroy all the bubbles in a level.

The Arcade mode in the app offers levels where the Target Bubbles come down gradually and one needs to destroy all of them before they completely come down. The Puzzle mode offers 300 levels of Fun and simply shooting the Target Bubbles. But Watch out! many comments on the play store for this app state that they've never been able to surpass level 70.

So be careful and co-ordinate your addiction to the game so that it doesn't harm your life!


So, as always the method to install this game on Bluestacks is similar to what I've mentioned in many of my past posts. The secret behind the way lies in the opening / running of Google Play Store on Bluestacks, the method can be seen in the post below:

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After successfully running Google Play Store on Bluestacks, you need to probe for "Shoot Bubble Deluxe" in it and then simply Download + Install it. Here's the official Google Play Store link for Shoot bubble Deluxe, by the way, if you need:

Visit Now

Note: You might need to make it a Full-screen app manually in Bluestacks to play it in Full screen mode. The method to do it can be seen in the post in the following URL:

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That's it!

I hope you'd have liked the above game and its review.

Comment if you liked and also add your own reviews/queries or even to contact me.
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Image By Boians Cho Joo Young,


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