
Turn Camera Shutter Sound Off on Android

Hey fellow People!

I've had a little menace with my mobile phone recently. For a long time, I was unable to shut off my Camera's sound, which really gave troubles in some cranky situations. But then, I was finally able to probe for a solution. Now the shutter sound is off (in Vibration/Silence Profile only). I'm happy about it, happy enough to share.

The method I'm gonna give here, has been tested on Samsung Galaxy Mini/Pop GT-S5570, running Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread). But It might work in many other phones, even the ones running different Android versions like Android 4.0 or above, because many algorithms/Settings are similar


So, here's the thing. My phone's camera didn't turn itself off even when it was in silent / vibration mode. I tried a lot of settings, including trying to shut every kind of sound on the Smart Phone off, by turning every kind of Volumes down, but to no avail. Every other sound was off, except Shutter (:P).

Since I've rooted the Android Phone, I commenced looking up for an alternative by trying to probe for the Operating System's Storage Location of the Camera Sound's files, so that I could even delete them. Yes, I was that desperate :P I could even shut down my phone's sound permanently if I would be able to find. But still the result wasn't satisfactory.

But then, suddenly, I was able to find the file where the system stores the setting to force Camera Sound always. And Viola! that would be a  perfect solution because if the Setting that forces is off, then the Camera Sound would be on in General mode but Off in Vibration / Silent mode.

I can't even tell about little problems faced earlier. Once, I even used it in the library, where I got a note of it, for the first time. In that place it sound like the sound of a Loudspeaker. In many other situations where one may need to anonymously capture photos like the wild or at a serene place, problems might occur. Yes, people might say that an External Android App could be used, but the internal Android App has its own unique fun, it's bug-less.

So if you're also in a situation where the Stock Camera app doesn't even give a hint to turn its Sound Off ever, the method given below might be very useful. Ofcourse, Root will be required to work up with this method.

So to sum-up my situation:

1. Turning every kind of Volume off didn't turn the Camera Sound off.
2. Vibration/Silence mode also didn't do anything.
3. There was no setting to turn the Camera sound off, in the stock Camera App, although there was an option to change it.


So, for this way to work, following will be certainly required:

1. Rooted Android Device

Rooting means getting access to internal system Android files. You would need a rooted Android Phone/Device. The method to do it, could be searched on the internet. Beware of them and go for a reliable way only. I have mentioned a way to root Samsung Galaxy Mini/Pop Gt-S5570 earlier, see the following post for it:

View Now

2. Root File Manager

Now, the next thing needed is a Root File Manager that allows accessing and editing rooted Android files. Root Explorer is believed to be the best of them, it can be found on Google Play Store in the following URL:

Visit Now

But Root Explorer is paid, although still believed to be the best. An alternative to it is Root Browser, which is a free Android App and also allows the viewing or editing of rooted Android Files. See the following link for Google Play Store's location of Root Browser Android App:

Visit Now

You can use either of the above two apps, mentioned in the second point.


Before you come up to this solution that utilizes the phone's & your Root privileges, you might try to see a setting in your Stock Camera to turn the sound off OR using the Vibration mode to see if its off or not then.

Now, the solution of the predicament lies in finding of the file that stores the setting to enforce the Camera App to always have sound and make it learn to turn off in Vibration / Silent sound profile.

Note: I may not be responsible for any bad situation you get in by using this method or goofing with Android's OS files.

But don't worry I think this way's gonna be fine. I myself have tested it on Samsung Galaxy Mini/Pop GT-S5570, running Android version 2.3 and it worked just fine.

Finally, let's go for the solution:

1. After getting Root Access and also a Root File Browser, Browse for files named "build.prop" or "default.prop".

"default.prop" can be found in the OS top directory folder, even UP or BACK from the sdcard folder, which we normally see.

In that Top directory folder, enter a folder named "system" to then see a file named "build.prop".

If both of the above two don't show the respective files, visit the top directory folder and use the Find/Search of your File Manager to search for these two files.

2. Backup "default.prop" or "build.prop", TWICE by copying and pasting them in your SD Card and another safe location (folder).

First Backup will be edited and second backup will just be a backup!

3. After that, open the first backed up "default.prop" and then "build.prop" with a text editor. I guess(not sure) both Root Browser and Root Explorer have a text editor.

Note: 1. You might require to Mount Root Explorer or other File Manager as "R/W" rather than Read only. "Mount R/O" option might be on top-right of Root Explorer.

2. Make Sure you open the backed up "default.prop" or "build.prop", not the original ones. Opening and editing original ones straight away might force the system to reboot unexpectedly, right after they're edited.

In both the files, search or manually find a string, "" (without quotes). It should say "" change the number "1" to "0", so that the complete line becomes "". It generally is only in one of the files.

If none of the files have this line, manually add "" in the end of "build.prop".

4. Now, save the files  and replace the original "default.prop" and then "build.prop" with them.

Alternatively, the two files can first be copied to sd card, then to PC, edited and finally replaced with the original files.

5. Reboot your Phone and hopefully your Camera Sound is gone now (only is Silent/Vibration mode).

See the awesome thing, basically only editing a single "0" with "1", brought a wondrous big result! Anyways, I hope, you'd have liked the method.

Comment with your own reviews/queries or even to contact me.
I can also be contacted from "Contact Me" tab on the website, which includes some private options, to contact also.

Picture by Boians Cho Joo Young,


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