
DX-Ball Full & Freeware PC Game Download

Hey Guys!

Screenshot of level 2 of DX-Ball:

I'm gonna talk about seriously a classical awesome game, DX-Ball, which is available for Windows OS (PC) & at Free Price.


As I said, "Classic & classical" is what I'll use to designate this game. It's an old one and also reminded me of a few years back time. The game is so much fun to play and enhances the concentration. Concentration is really only a side-feature of the terrific game. For me, the fun it gives while being played is ecstatic. The game was released in the Year 1996 by Michael P. Welch who is the designer and developer of this game, according to Wikipedia.

O boy! The Fun game is so beautiful and it is based on a simple principle, Hit and clean all tiles from a particular level. Now this concept is so good that even after about 18 years, I myself am liking this a lot, it is still persistent to show its glory.

Not only the Principle concept but even the design of Menu and the game itself is Serene! Sometimes, due to over-designed Menus, many games tend to look complex and therefore, reduce the overall goodness of User's experience. But this one is superlative because it's Straight to the point (which is better thing in some cases, including this one), rather than Playing around a little.
You simply Click and mouse to Start & Play the game and use the Keyboard "Escape" key to Exit.

The gameplay, is also magnificent. (See the screenshots) It gives the player a Ball stuck on a plate, which can move freely, left or right. Then you'll be asked to (Left-mouse) click anytime to release the ball, which hits and eradicates a tile or more, then comes back to hit the plate. The proper maneuver of the plate, so that it hits the ball has to be managed by you.

After hitting all the tiles in a particular level, you can advance to the next one. You can also see your High-Score, which increases as you move ahead through the game

Screenshot of level 1 of DX-Ball:

The above has mentioned the Principle gameplay, but that's not all, while hitting the tiles you may release and catch a few unique powers too, ranging FROM good ones like increasing the Plate width, Firey ball that'll kill destroy more tiles at once, multiple balls, slow ball, shooting paddle TO ones that'll reduce Plate size, kill you, shrink ball, fast ball, etc.

The music of the game also suits it and is nice.

Now, another very utilizable thing about the game is that it can be played even in slower systems & requires very less memory, CPU Speed or even RAM. Since it was developed in 1996, its requirements are also similar to that year's trend. And in addition, it's Full with Free price, making it one of the best Freeware Games.

So, overall, this game would be a total fun to play. And all its features make it a very addictive one.

Also, if you need, You can get Wikipedia's game description, in the link below:

Visit Now


So you can download the superb DX-Ball (Full & Freeware) Classic game, from the popular and believed to be very secure website,, using the below link, where you can also check Cnet's description about it:

Visit Now

To talk about the complete download & install process:

1. As according to the current (04-07-2014) Cnet's website pattern, you can download this game from cnet's website using the "Download Now (Cnet Installer Enabled)" Button or the "Direct Download Link". Both are good & either of the two ways can be used.

2. So after downloading the setup of DX-Ball, simply run it.

3. Go through the Installation wizard, including the reading of Licence Terms Agreement (if present) & finally run the game.

That's it.

I hope you'd have liked DX-Ball and its review, by me.

Comment with your own reviews/queries or even to contact me.
I can also be contacted from "Contact Me" tab on the website, which include some private options, to contact also.


1 comment:

  1. I am very happy to read your post . Hope we will get more post like this . If you have time you can check out this game it is very interesting and time passing ❤️❤️

    traffic Ball 3D
    ball game


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